My Life condensed to a webpage

Monday, November 29, 2004

Soul Survivor Seminars Available to Download

If you go to to this link it will take you directly to the soul survivor website e commerce section where you can download seminars for £1.00 each, Big Top, Soul In the City, Momentum, Passion For Your Name seminars etc or order them on CD for £3.00 or tape.

Friday, November 26, 2004

Faith not Feelings

Something that Ive heard alot recently is how a lot of people are saying they pray and its like praying to air; going to meetings and when others are saying " god was really there" or "god touched me" that they felt nothing themselves, feeling like god has abandoned them or even that there isnt a god and that they're not getting anywhere. Well I think all of us at some point or other have felt something similar.
I like to remember that god hears all of our prayers anyway, even if you think hes not listening. We should have faith that god hears us even when we think he wasnt listening or didnt respond. Prayers dont always have a response or get answered straight away, sometimes it takes time. God always answers, yes, no or wait, although these are sometimes not always the answers we want. Also about being touched by god, different people are affected in different ways, if most people are getting something out of it and you're not doesnt mean that will always be the case, there will be times when something will touch you and nobody else.
If you're feeling like your getting nowhere dont give up, keep going, else you might be giving up right before the time of your breakthrough. The problem is never with god but with you doing something which means you have gone away from him and not him from you. In the end just keep going at it.

Thursday, November 18, 2004

Theory Test

Well had my Theory Test today and surprisingly passed after only a small amount of revision. I got three wrong for the multiple choice section and managed to scrape by with 45 for hazard perception with 44 being needed for a pass. So only the final practical between me and driving.

Deep Purple

Well just come back from Deep Purple live at Plymouth Pavilions, one of the most amazing concerts I've been to. Worth every penny of the £37 pound ticket, they played Smoke on the Water, Highway Star and Black Night among other classics, keyboard/synth solos, bass solos and guitar solos courtesy of Steve Morse one of the top 10 fastest players in the world.
The Support Bands for once were actually very good, with Pete Frampton and Thunder.

Wednesday, November 17, 2004

Living to the Max

Went to the IKON youth event on Sunday Night. The Preacher Linzi ( he was actually a man) was talking about how we should not just be christians but christian fanatics giving it our full. How when running a race, you don't just jog along but give it your all, sprinting flat out. If the youth is the next generation we should be living as flat out christians and not jogging, taking it easy.

Thursday, November 11, 2004


Havent been able to update this in a while because of our phone lines being down for the past couple of days. Mums even told BT its an emergency being an on call midwife but still manages to be six days before BT can have a look at it, so Im writing from college at the moment.

Got a letter from Tescos yesterday to say I've got the job and have an induction day on Saturday. I 'll be working on the checkouts from 3pm to 10 on friday and 12 to 5 on a saturday and bringing in £60 quid per week.

Went to see Kato play on Sunday in Truro Cathedral, before they played I went along to a workshop their drummer was taking and learnt some new double bass drum techniques aswell as general improvement of the basics, grip etc.
`Red Redemption`, Launcestons Youth Band had been ask to support which was a big deal, probably the biggest audience they'd ever played to, eveything went well and with the acoustics of the cathedral they sounded the best they ever have.
Been thinking more and more we should be getting a youth band together at grace. Im going to try and talk to a few people and get together a practice every week.

I've got my theory test next week on thursday the 18th,around 6-6.30pm so some prayer that I would pass and remember everything would be cool.

Thursday, November 04, 2004

A Job

Well had my Interview for Tescos today, everything went well. Used lots of references to `Soul in the City ` to make the interviewer think I was an angel and worthy of the job. Think I've basically got it, will be working the checkouts on friday afternoons and saturdays. Pleased to find starting pay is £5.10 now and will go up to £5.40 after 6 months.

Wednesday, November 03, 2004

Well check it out, I am actually getting better at driving. Hopefully not too long before my test, then out on the open roads.